Get Your AP Squad!
By Dontrey Britt-Hart
I’m sure most of us could rattle off numerous clichés, proverbs and maxims on the power of teamwork: 1. Teamwork makes the dreamwork. 2. If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. 3. Many hands make light work. And the list goes on. As familiar and straightforward as these gems of truth are, we hear them and roll our eyes, chalking the words up to bumper-sticker slogans with little value. Well, the truth is while the phrases may be trite, the benefits are proven. Having an accountability partner (AP) is the secret sauce in a recipe called success.
I first heard the term “AP” in the mid-to-late 90s during a sermon by Pastor Frank Thomas at New Faith Baptist Church in Matteson, IL. This was long before #squadgoals or #mysquad because social media didn’t exist; fortunately, social networks always have. Pastor Thomas’s message conveyed the importance of having an AP to spur your spiritual growth, encourage you during times of trial, and celebrate with you during seasons of triumph. Proverbs 27:17 puts it this way, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” My AP at the time was that extra motivation on Sunday mornings when the pull of a warm bed and the thought of a 40-minute drive to church might have kept me in my PJs. Just knowing that someone was expecting me to show up gave me that loving kick in the pants to follow through on what I said I would do.
What began as a tool to strengthen my walk with Christ became a secret weapon that I wielded to slay in the gym, excel in the office and enhance my personal relationships. As disciplined, driven and dedicated as I thought I was, my game was undoubtedly elevated by having an AP. Some of you are probably saying, “I’ve got this on my own. I don’t need another person to motivate me.” And I won’t argue with you on that, but I assure you that having the right people on your squad will push you to higher levels.
Let’s use exercise as an example: outside of the extreme, get-it-done-all-the-time-no-matter-what types, how many of us put in that little bit of something extra when we’re working out in a group versus alone in front of the TV? Even if you can’t gather in person right now in light of the pandemic, you’re still likely to do more if there’s someone high-fiving you on screen, downward dogging on Zoom or waiting for your I-did-it text; simply being accountable to someone else improves productivity.
And you don’t have to limit yourself to one AP for one specific goal, because you’re not one-dimensional. I have my fitgirl APs, my ladies who cook, my former-PR-forever-friend m1 girls, my mom squad and Bible study sisters, my travel crew and my trusted inner circle. Together we have healed relationships, launched businesses, raised children, supported marriages, grieved losses, crossed finish lines, circled the globe and protected our homes. We have agreed and disagreed and found peace somewhere in the middle. (Important note: Your AP CANNOT be a “yes” person and should not support everything you do, if it’s not for your greater good.) And it goes without saying that not every acquaintance, friend or family member qualifies to serve as an AP, because not every relation is ready for your elevation. This is where prayers for discernment come in. You likely wouldn’t trust just anyone to watch your home, your pet or your child. The dreams you have for yourself – small or great – are equally precious and should only be handed over to someone you deem trustworthy, dependable, consistent and candid.
Photo Credit: Unsplash
Benefits of having an AP:
1. Support system – With the right people at your side, you’ll have your very own cheering section to encourage you as you make progress, a sounding board to listen as you work through challenges and a voice of reason to provide honest feedback.
2. Extra eyes on you – Knowing that there is at least one person keeping watch over you and your goals pushes you to follow through on the promises you’ve made to yourself.
3. Clarity – When you have to explain your plans to someone else, you must clarify what those goals are and how you plan to reach them.
4. Better productivity – Having an AP urges you to set clear deadlines and produce tangible proof of your development.
5. Resources – We all bring an assortment of gifts and resources to the table, so partnering with the right AP expands your access to new ideas, people and resources.
6. Shared journey – There is power in a collective experience of wins and losses and lessons learned along the way, and this bond of sisterhood should never be underestimated. We are stronger together.
So, come on, ladies. Let’s get those #Squadgoals!