Welcome Home

“There's a welcome mat at the door
And if you come on in
You're gonna get much more
There's my chair
I put it there
Everything you see
Is with love and care”


Welcome to my home! I’ve been preparing for our time together for weeks. Months, really, and I’m thrilled that you’re finally here. You’ve been asking for a few new recipes, travel ideas and that playlist from our last Zoom party, and I’ve started pulling everything together for you.

Let me show you around:

-    Food & Festivities is the place for recipes, entertaining ideas and all things party;

-    Faraway Places & Photography is your destination for travel and priceless pictures;

-    Flowers & Feelgoods blends florals, crafting, inspiration and how-tos on “creating the pretty” anywhere, especially within;

-    Fanfare & Friends is our retreat where we celebrate and uplift one another;

-    Fitness & Fun helps us to keep Food & Festivities in check.

And the music? Well, it’s played in every room, just like my opinions.

So, I know it’s the start of the new year and you’ve likely sworn off sugar, butter, flour, fried foods, adult beverages . . . (have I missed anything?) . . . but you have to take one tiny bite of these lemon blueberry scones. They’re mildly sweet and are perfect with a hot cup of tea or coffee. Did I mention they have two different types of fruit in them? That should count for something, right? You know blueberries are a super food and citrus is all the rage right now with lemon water being the “new drink” of 2021.

Well, I’m not one for discouraging a friend to blow a New Year’s resolution, so you can pass on the scone for now. But I strongly suggest you tuck this recipe away for a day when you want to treat yourself, show some love to your family or impress your friends at brunch. They’re so much easier than you’d imagine and your house will smell heavenly while they’re baking.


Bon Appetit!


Park City Rosemary Garlic Popcorn


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