Denim & Damask

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What’s in a Name?

A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.”

– Proverbs 22:1

While I’ve always been intrigued with language, words, and their meanings, becoming a mother and being charged with labeling children with names they would carry for life impressed upon me just how impactful a handful of letters genuinely are. For our oldest son, we chose a name that meant a symbol of peace – “a dove”; our middle son was “born of fire”; and our youngest was “a gift of God.”

Denim & Damask was not so literal in its becoming. Yes, both are timeless fabrics, but it was their connotations that spoke to me. Denim is rugged and informal, and while it’s now also designer, it once evoked ideas of hard work and grittiness. On the other hand, Damask is quite the opposite; it’s traditional, elegant, feminine, and swirls of fancy flourish.

Together, Denim & Damask is me. Rugged, refined, casual and formal, hardworking and elegant, gritty and graceful. It’s my family: a lone girl in an all-boys world*. It’s a mentality of kindness and strength, inspiration and creativity, seriousness and shenanigans, and faith and family. It’s balance in all things (or our best efforts, anyway).

And while we are serious about living our best lives, we try to remember not to take ourselves too seriously. When you see the name Denim & Damask, I hope your heart smiles, your belly is tickled, and your hands are itching to make some magic.

{*Roxi, our cockapoo, takes issue with me describing myself as a “lone girl” now that she’s part of the family, so please say hello to the other lady of the house.}